
Important dates

  • Abstract submission for oral contributions             

  • Regular registration            

  • Payment deadline                    (or later depending on the date given on your invoice)

  • Abstract deadline for posters               

Conference fee and payment

  • Students & post docs:           CNY          USD

  • Academic participants:           CNY          USD

  • Industrial participants:           CNY          USD

  • Accompanying persons:           CNY          USD

The registration fee includes:

  • symposium program

  • digital book of abstracts

  • admission to the scientific sessions and exhibition

  • welcome reception, lunches and refreshment breaks          

Accompanying persons should make a separate registration and indicate the name of the person with whom they come in the appropriate field of the registration form.

The conference fee should be paid in         by                 . Payment via             is the preferred choice for admin reasons, but choose registration with invoice if you want to wait with payment until            

Questions about registration and payment are handled by The Swedish Chemical Society.
Email:            Phone:           

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